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Talk about a delicious and decadent occasional doggy treat that is packed with flavor and such a great treat on a hot day.
Who would have thought that low fat yoghurt, fruit and applesauce could make such a delicious way to make a dog feel pampered?
I like that portion control guidelines have been included so that my dog doesn’t get too much of a good thing.

Pooch Fruit Delight – Yogurt Dog Treats DIY
Because this is meant to be a Dog Dessert don’t allow them to have it more than once or twice per week. Also, on the days you feed them this “Dessert” you need to compensate and reduce their remaining dog food for that day by ½ cup to 1 cup.
- ½ Cup Plain, non-fat yogurt
- ½ Cup Blueberries (diced)
- ½ Cup Strawberries (diced)
- ½ Cup Applesauce (make sure sugar level is low or make your own)
- Using a medium sized bowl, blend all the ingredients. You are looking for the yogurt to be smooth with the fruit well blended through the mixture.
- Serve fresh in small amounts, storing remainder in the fridge for up to seven days.
Leftovers can also be frozen in ice cube trays and treated as an alternative to Recipe No.
If you enjoyed these dog treats take a look at our designer dog beds which are suited for dogs of all sizes.