We have listed the 10 best dog for scared child, for all of those people who have kids and are looking for a suitable small dog breed.
An important consideration here is that dogs and children will grow in size but it is the projected fully-grown size of your dog that is what is important. It will play a big part in deciding what type of small dog to purchase.
Size is one thing but so too are things such as temperament; as you want to get a breed that will happily put up with all of the behaviors your own small human will throw at them.
You also need to consider health issues that can be common to particular breeds.
We found the following list of the Top 10 small dog breeds for children at iheartdogs, and have added our own commentary to theirs for each breed.

Top 10 Best Small Dog For Scared Child
1. Beagle

Beagles are a small to medium sized hound originally bred for hunting hares and rabbits.
They are considered to be intelligent, amiable, determined, excitable, even tempered, and gentle.
These behaviour traits can make them poor guard doges but on the flip side they can be great companions for children.
They are short haired, with a medium length hard coat.
Grooming is low maintenance, brushing, bathing and keeping its long, floppy ears clean.
For exercise a moderately brisk 20 – 40-minute daily walk is are required. For cardio there needs to be a more intense activity, such as chasing a ball at least once or twice per week.
They are tricolor or white in combination with black & tan/brown or brown/tan.
Their lifespan is 12 – 15 years on average.
They are intelligent but are single-minded and determined, which can make them hard to train as they are also easily distracted by smells around them.
2. Pug

A dog with a sociable personality making them a great family companion for adults and children.
They can be strong-willed, charming, clever, docile, sociable, stubborn, playful, quiet, attentive and very obedient.
They are known for being a bit lazy, love a good nap and require relatively minimal exercise.
Well suited to living in a smaller home or apartment.
They can be prone to cataracts and also to breathing difficulties in warm weather.
They don’t cope well with humidity, so any exercise needs to be done when the weather is cooler. A walk or playing with their toys in your yard will generally suffice.
Their coat sheds profusely, requiring regular attention and brushing every 1 – 3 days. A bath every 3 weeks should suffice.
They are available in a range of colours.
Their lifespan is 12 – 15 years on average.
3. Cavalier King Charles Spaniel

The Cavalier King Charles is a gentle, playful and very affectionate toy spaniel.
Known to be adaptable, very obedient, sociable, and fearless making them an ideal family companion dog and are great with small children.
They are also not fazed with socializing with larger dogs.
They adapt easily to different environments and situations and are suited as one of the best dog for scared child.
Well suited to living in a smaller home or apartment.
They are one of the more grooming intensive toy breeds, needing a lot of brushing and combing.
A daily walk or play session will satisfy them for exercise.
Their lifespan is 9 – 14 years on average.
They are available in a range of colours.
4. Staffordshire Bull Terrier

Their looks can be intimidating to some people but they are actually very loving and sociable dogs.
The breed is known to be affectionate, bold, courageous, fearless, intelligent, loyal and reliable.
They make great companions for children and are very affectionate.
They need a lot of exercise, love games and fun but are not well suited to quiet, indoor families.
Staffordshire Bull Terriers are a short flat coated breed that sheds throughout the year, even in the winter time. Regular brushing will be necessary.
Their lifespan is 12 – 14 years on average.
They are available in a range of colours.
5. Boston Terrier

Also nicknamed the American Gentleman, the Boston Terrier is great to have around for those that enjoy a fun, sociable breed.
As a breed they are not considered to be a sporting breed.
They are friendly, intelligent and lively but can be stubborn at times.
There origin is as a companion dog which makes them ideally suited for families with children.
They can have a sensitive digestive system and are known to suffer from flatulence.
With a short, shiny, smooth coat, Boston Terriers require little grooming.
They love to play and have a daily walk of about an hour per day for exercise.
They don’t do well with temperature extremes, needing a coat in Winter and can suffer with Summer heat.
Grooming is easy with them being very low maintenance thanks to their smooth coat. A good brushing once a week should suffice.
Their lifespan is 13 – 15 years on average.
They are available in a range of colours.
6. Border Terrier – 1st choice for the best small dog for kids no shedding

Border Terriers were originally bred for rodent and fox hunting.
The Border Terrier is known to be affectionate, alert, even tempered, fearless, intelligent and obedient.
They have been known to wander.
They are great at a variety of dog sports and make wonderful active companions.
They require a good play or walk for about 30 minutes per day for exercise.
A Border terrier’s dense and wiry coat makes them a great choice for a dog breed that doesn’t shed and is therefore a great choice for as the best small dog for kids with no shedding.
Grooming will require weekly brushing.
Their lifespan is 12 – 15 years on average.
They are available in a range of colours.
7. Keeshond

The Keeshond is a medium sized related closely to the German Spitz breed.
They are agile, bright, eager to please, intelligent, obedient, playful. Quick and Sturdy.
They are highly affectionate and attached to their families and make excellent companions for children.
Keeshonden have done well in obedience, agility and even guide dog work which makes the suitable as the best dog for scared child.
The Keeshond does not require a great deal of exercise; generally at least one vigorous daily walk will suffice.
They need around 1 hour per week of brushing to keep their long coat in order.
For a Keeshond they will generally be satisfied with a walk on leash or a play in the backyard.
They will generally adapt to activity level of the owner and are one of the best dog for scared child.
Their lifespan is 13 – 15 years on average.
They are available in a range of colours.
8. Cocker Spaniel

The Cocker Spaniel, both the American and English varieties, are medium sized bird hunting dogs that make excellent family companions.
As a breed they are affectionate, faithful, friendly, playful, quiet, snd trainable.
They are intelligent dogs that are very affectionate and become closely attached to their families.
They are great dogs for homes with children.
Cocker Spaniels can be easily stressed by loud noises and by rough treatment or handling.
They will need daily exercise of at least 45-60 minutes fast walking or even running to avoid weight gain. It will also help in other ways as they can be prone to destructive behavior.
Grooming wise they require a lot of brushing and combing.
They can be prone to ear infections due to their floppy ears.
Their lifespan is 12 – 15 years on average.
They are available in a range of colours.
9. Havanese

The Havanese is a small but hardy dog that originated in Cuba but is related to the Bichon breed from the Mediterranean.
As a breed they are affectionate, companionable, gentle, intelligent, and playful.
They make an ideal family companion.
They are very social dogs that become attached to their families and do not like being left alone for long periods.
Although classed as a toy breed, they are even-tempered and well suited for families with children.
They are clean and non-shedding which makes them ideal for people with allergies.
They frequent grooming sessions several times a week so be sure to buy a quality designer dog bed for when the need to rest.
They can be prone to eye diseases.
Well suited to living in a smaller home or apartment.
They love daily exercise such as a long walk or play.
Their lifespan is 13 – 15 years on average.
They are available in a range of colours.
10. Nova Scotia Duck Tolling Retriever

Often mistaken as a small Golden Retriever, this Canadian retriever is a medium sized dog originally used for hunting waterfowl.
As a breed they are known to be alert, easy to please, intelligent, and high-energy dogs.
They are active and intelligent dogs that make excellent companions for families with children, assuming they will get enough exercise.
They do well in a variety of dog sports and are very eager to please.
They will need brushing daily and do shed year-round.
For exercise they love a vigorous workout such as a long walk or a game of fetch for an hour or more.
Their lifespan is 10 – 14 years on average.
They are available in a small range of colours.