This guide will show you how to groom a dog professionally.
Everyone likes to have their dog looking well groomed, but cost of having it done professionally isn’t always an option.
You can save a lot of money by learning how to do all the important grooming tasks.
Not only that, but it is a great bonding experience between you and your dog, allows them to build up trust with you rather than a stranger, and they really enjoy all the attention and pampering.
We have looked at various sites online to find some of the best tips we can find for you.
Here is a selection of ideas for you.
How to groom a dog professionally
We found a site called iheartdos.com with a list of the “Top 10 Dog Grooming Tips”, credited to writer Kristina Letz.
What we have done here is take the titles of each of those tips and edited them along with original content of our own as follows:
1: Baby Powder

This is an awesome tip if your dog has a tangled coat.
It really is as simple as sprinkling the powder onto the tangles; let it sit for a few minutes and then brushing and/or combing the area.
It is often recommended that you then bathe the dog so that there isn’t residual baby powder left on their skin and fur.
Baby powder is safe to use on dogs and they will smell great afterwards.
It is also considered that baby powder rubbed into the dog’s coat can kill fleas, which are then removed as you combing the dog’s fur.
You can also kill fleas on the dog’s bedding or carpet around it’s bed by dusting the area before giving it a thorough vacuuming.
It is usually recommended to choose a baby powder that is talc free.
2. Flea Combs aren’t just for Fleas

Just the name of this product tells you what it is primarily used for.
However, they can also be used to help detangle fine hair such as that on dogs with hair that hangs in front of their face.
A flea comb can also be useful for picking up dirt, dander and other matter that is stuck in your dog’s coat.
They can also be used for finding any ticks in your dog’s coat.
3. Trim the Paws

There are advantages if you keep the hair that grows between and around your dog’s paws such as:
It is an easier job to wipe their feet clean outside.
It is less likely that they will get Thistles, Burrs, Grass seeds or Bindi’s caught there.
Their foot pads will grip better on slippery surfaces without a lot of hair there.
Trimmed paws can help the dog sweat more efficiently.
If you do decide to do this at home be very careful with the scissors so that you don’t cut their foot pads.
4. Use appropriate Brushes

There are specific brushes for short haired dogs, long haired dogs, for de-shedding and even de-matting tools and grooming rakes.
There is also the Curry Comb, which is ideal for removing dust and long hair from your dog’s coat.
There is also a grooming mitt available that is more suited to dogs with shorter coats.
Always brush in the direction that the dog’s coat grows.
A few minutes brushing daily, along with de-matting will have your dog’s coat looking great.
If you can’t decide which brush is right for your dog then seek a professional opinion such as from your local veterinarian.
5. Use appropriate Shampoo and Conditioner

There are proper shampoo and conditioner products that are specifically formulated for dogs.
Do not be tempted to use human products as your dog’s skin can be a lot more sensitive than ours. They can also be toxic if consumed by your pet.
If you dog has allergies, sensitivities or skin conditions, always talk to your veterinarian first.
A dog with normal skin should probably be shampooed about once a month. If your dog needs a shampoo more often than that, choose one that contains a moisturizer.
Try and use the same location to bathe your dog each time.
Make sure you have plenty of towels, brush etc. on hand for afterwards, along with a small dog treat – (See out previous blog, “The Top 10 – Homemade Dog Treats”), but limit the quantity given to your dog as they are a treat not a main meal.
One good technique is to brush the shampoo and conditioner through your dog’s coat, rather than massage it into their skin.
6. Double Rinse

Be extra careful after using the shampoo and conditioner and make sure that you double rinse it all off your dog.
Any product left in can cause irritations such as dry skin, flakiness and itchiness.
Use warm water wherever possible. Check it first on yourself as you don’t want the water to be too hot.
7. Exercise Before

People forget that you as the human will use a lot of energy bathing and grooming your dog.
Therefore, you need ways to make sure your dog isn’t over active.
Often you dog will stay stiller and calmer if you have exercised them directly prior to their bath and grooming.
This is a great technique to use if your dog is younger or a very active dog.
A few training exercises prior to the bath can also aid in a workout for their brain.
Make sure that they have calmed down before getting into the bath so that you minimize the amount of splashing etc.
Put a non-slip mat on the floor of the bath before you get the dog into the bath just in case the bath is slippery and frightens them.
8. Show Sheen

There are a range of Showsheen products available for dogs, although originally, they were developed for horses’ coats.
The formulation for the dog range is different to the horses and is designed to give their coats a sot and silky appearance and feel.
The range also create a barrier on the dog’s coat that keeps dirt from sticking to it. Simply brush to remove any dirt.
The Showsheen range includes, Bath in a bottle, Detangler, Stain Remover and Whitener, and Hot Spot Spray.
9. Trim Nails Regularly

It is not uncommon for dog owners to leave it too long between nail trims. They should be done every three to four weeks.
A tell-tale sign is when you can hear their nails touching the flooring because that means they are already overdue a trim.
Many dogs can be very sensitive when getting their nails trimmed and you need to be very careful not cut too far and cause a bleed and possible entry point for infection.
If not too bad a cut then Corn Starch applied to the bleed area will absorb the blood.
If you are not confident in doing this properly it would be best to get the nails trimmed by your local veterinarian.
10. Keep Equipment Clean

Good hygiene is imperative when dealing with any of the equipment you use with your dog such as:
- Brushes
- Combs
- Flea combs
- De-shedders
- Rakes
- Trimmers
- Nail clippers
Hygiene also extends to other items that come into contact with your dog such as their design dog beds, bedding and toys. You need to keep those items clean and fresh smelling.
Even with the best hygiene you may find that it is best to upgrade the bed at different stages of their life, health, or if you shift to an area with a different climate.
See our previous Blog “We Hand Picked 12 of the Best Dog Beds 2020” for some ideas.
How to give the best dog massage

Canine Massage is a branch of massage designed for promoting health in dogs.
It has been shown to aid in relaxation, pain relief, joint flexibility as well as being beneficial to the immune system.
It is not a new practice, having been used for centuries across many countries and continents.
Some the ways that you can incorporate massage for your dog include:
A “maintenance massage” for your dog could take as little as 10 minutes daily:
Use a flat palm of your hand as you work around your dog’s body.
Take note of any irregularities such as lumps or scratches, or if your dog reacts to any are in a way that may indicate pain.
Also take not of areas where your dog is obviously expressing pleasure. “Calming” your dog can also work though massage such as this technique:

Use your flat palm of your hand again but this time lightly rest it on your dog’s head or neck.
Make long, sweeping motions where you gently glide your hand from their head right down their spine to the tip of their tail.
Repeat this several times; increasing pressure slightly if your dog responds well.
Do not press down on the base of their spine.
Holding one hand on their head and the other on their pelvic region can have a calming effect.
A “warm up massage” can be used on those active dogs that are always on the go and should be a tactic you should use when learning how to groom a dog professionally.
The warm up massage technique involves:
1. Gently use petting strokes (stroking) on your dog all over their body.
2. Briskly massage over their larger muscles (such as neck, shoulders, thighs and buttocks).
3. Gently massage the dog as if you were kneading dough.
4. Wrap your fingers around their lower legs, one at a time, and squeeze gently.
5. Relax your grip, then work your way up the leg, squeezing as you progress up the leg.
6. Stimulate the nerves by petting them again all over their body.
“Relieving Joint Stiffness and Soreness” is a technique that may be beneficial for that older dog or one that isn’t very active. The technique involves:
- Start by petting (stroking) all around the area surrounding the stiff or sore joint to warm the tissue.
- Use your hands to apply a gentle compression around the area.
- Establish your own rhythm by using counting or your own breathing as you press, then release your dog’s muscles.
- Do not use direct or sudden force over a bone.
- To finish, soothe the dog’s nerves by petting over the area.
Always check things out first with your local veterinarian, because it is important to make sure your dog isn’t in pain and that massage won’t cause any pain for the dog.
It’s not only humans who enjoy the benefits of a pampering session but it is easy to see that your dog is enjoying the attention as much as you do.
Grooming a dog isn’t just about show; there are hygiene, health and comfort aspects that good grooming techniques can help address.
Those hygiene aspects also go across other aspects such as making sure that all the equipment you use on them is washed thoroughly, as well as making sure that their bedding and the areas around it are kept clean too.
That may also mean that you need to upgrade or replace your dog’s bed, bedding and toys at different stage of your dog’s life or if you move to a different climate.
Massage can also produce some great result for your dog; from calming them down through to helping to minimize joint stiffness and soreness.
Always check things out first with your local veterinarian, because it is important to make sure your dog isn’t in pain and that massage won’t cause any pain for the dog.
Whether it be grooming and/or dog massage you open up room for some great bonding and trust building between you and your dog.
Hopefully this blog will give you some additional ideas on how to groom a dog professionally.