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The Triple P’s – Pumpkin, Peanut Butter Pooch Biscuits

Pumpkin, Peanut Butter Pooch Biscuits

It was the Recipe name “Triple P’s” that caught my attention when looking on the Mindiampets Blog.

I have always been looking out for a dog treat that I could make myself. This particular one is great, especially with the inclusion of the Pumpkin to go with the Peanut Butter.

My dog is a big fan too, but they are a treat and are kept in small containers so that they are kept as a treat only.

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Peanut Butter Biscuits – Homemade Dog Treats With Rolled Oats and Peanut Butter

peanut butter biscuits for dogs

Until I found this recipe, I had no idea that dogs loved peanut butter so much and that it was OK to feed them some as a treat. I love how easy they are to bake and the inclusion of rolled oats, honey and fish oil is such a great way of getting those ingredients into their diet.

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Frozen Yogurt Dog Pops – Frozen Dog Treats For Summer

frozen yoghurt dog food

My dog (Labrador) has a sweet tooth, which is common for the breed. However, with the Summer heat she also suffers but this recipe I found on the Mindiampets site is great.

The non-fat yoghurt gives some creaminess; the no-sugar added fruit juice (I’ve used Apple and Orange in different batches), along with the Carrots (fibre, color, some sweetness) has gone down so well this Summer.

Freezing in ice block trays is a great portion control tip.

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Mindiampets Homemade Dog Food Recipe #1 (Carrots, Spinach, Zucchini)

Carrots, Spinach, Zucchini dog food recipe

I’m a convert to the Mindiampets Dog Food Recipes for a few reasons. Firstly, I find a lot of commercial dog foods have smells and textures that give me such chronic nausea that I was gagging every time my dog (Yorkshire Terrier called Mavis) needed feeding.

I have tried many other sites looking for recipes that work and I cannot praise the Mindiampets Dog Food Recipes too highly.

Mavis seems to hang around the Kitchen quite a lot when I am making batches using Chicken, along with the Carrots, Spinach, Zucchini and Peas.

She can be a bit picky with food and after a few initial sniffs of the bowl she has taken to this one quickly. What’s more I can cook and feed her without any of my previous food reactions.

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Homemade Turkey and Vegetable Delight Dog Food Recipe

Homemade Turkey and Vegetable Delight Dog Food Recipe

I find it funny that I am now feeding my dog Mindiampets homemade turkey and vegetable delight dog food recipe, when on some nights all I have myself is Salad or Sausages.

However, that’s the price we dog lovers make when it comes to feeding them.

There is such a well thought out mix of proteins, grains and vegetables I know that Casper, my Dachshund, is getting the right balance in his diet.

Great recipes and I look forward to working my way through a few more of them.

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Mindiampets Chicken and Vegetable Medley Dog Food Recipe

Mindiampets Chicken and Vegetable Medley Dog Food Recipe

Keeping my rehomed Greyhound (Graham) healthy is a bit of a passion for me.

I like to make the dogs food, rather than feed him a store-bought product. There are very few suitable recipe books at my local library and I have had to check closely a lot of the recipes on the web.

However, since discovering the Mindiampets recipes I have been very impressed with their material.

They genuinely have worked hard to produce a list of 10 different products and that makes the diet more interesting to me and of course to my dog.

The only change for me is that I soak and cook the dried beans myself; rather than using canned – largely because make my own Bean dishes and it seems easier to prepare a few extra for the meal I am making for the dog.

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Mindiampets Slow Cooker Dog Food #2 (Ground Beef, Kidney Beans and Butternut)

Ground Beef, Kidney Beans and Butternut

My 4-year old Labradoodle (Rocket) has decided that this Beef, Beans and Vegetables slow cooker recipe from Mindiampets is his favorite tucker.

He has never been a dog that is fussy with his food, so that made me confident that he would eat this one OK. I wasn’t prepared for just how much he would love it.

Fortunately, I portion control each bath and that makes it easier to not overfeed.

On behalf of Rocket and me, thanks Mindiampets.

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Mindiampets Slow Cooker Dog Food #1 (Sweet Potato, Beans, Apple)

Slow Cooker Dog Food #1 (Sweet Potato, Beans, Apple)

My mother recently put up a Review after making another of your Crockpot recipes, so I thought I would give it a go. I ended up making a different recipe to her, but also one that cooks slowly while I get on looking after my 2 young kids.

I have a 3-year old Staffy called Ralph and he loves this recipe with Chicken, Sweet Potato, Beans, Apple and Carrots. I reckon he has a lot more energy since we put him onto the Mindiampets Slow Cooker Dog Food recipes. His coat looks shinier too.

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Homemade Dog Food Crockpot Chicken Recipe

Homemade Dog Food Crockpot Chicken Recipe

Like a lot of people, I have a very busy schedule and it was such a bonus to find this Crockpot recipe that once on can cook away itself while I go do other things.

What’s more the recipe is crammed with great product like Chicken Breast, Vegetables and Rolled Oats.

I also make my own Chicken Stock with all of the Chicken Bones on a separate day; also using the Crockpot.

I then freeze the stock in takeaway containers and defrost one each time I am making the main recipe.

Manson, my 7-year old Boxer has never been fussy about his food to me.

However, we went away for the weekend recently and had to feed him a commercial brand pet food.

He sniffed it, walked away and only had a few nibbles. There was no such repeat behavior once home again; he got straight into the Crockpot Chicken Recipe.

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Homemade Dog Style Beef Stew – Mindiampets

dog style beef stew

I have an admission to make about the Mindiampets Dog Food Recipes Homemade Dog Style Beef Stew. It smelled so good while cooking that I grabbed a spoon and tasted it.

It was a little bland for me, based on my usual human version is made using Onions and Garlic and their omission along with Salt and Pepper is probably what is responsible for my taste receptors on the tongue wanting more.

However, this was an excellent reminded for me that Dogs should never be given Garlic, Onions or anything else from the Onion family.

Certainly, my two Schnauzer’s (Hank and Hilda) seem to love it exactly as per the recipe and that’s all that matters to me.

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